
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

How have camels adapted to their environment

How have camels adapted to their environment

Are you aware that camels can survive for a long time without water? In the
desert it is 42° which is extremely hot. Physical changes have helped camels
survive in the desert as they have adapted to their environment.

In the desert it is very hot and dry. A strong wind of sand can make you blind,
it is called a sandstorm. Camels have hair inside and outside of their ear to prevent
sand getting in the ear. They grow 2 sets of eyelashes and have nostrils that close
to protect them from these conditions.

The sand is really hot during the day so camels have adapted to their environment
by having thick pads on their feet to walk on hot sand and a thick pad on their
chest to lay down. Camels have webbed feet so they won’t sink in the sand.

Water is very rare in the desert. Camels get water from the cactus plant which
is why they have thick lips as this helps them to avoid sharp thorns that get
in their way. Food and water is not easy to find in desert conditions so camels
have a hump that stores fat. This fat is later used for energy and hydration
when the camel is tired and thirsty.

A desert is a hard place to survive in so over time camels have adapted to this

This week for writing our group have been writing an explanation about Camels and how they adapted to their environment. We have also been looking on how physical changes have helped the camel survive in the desert. Our group watched a video showing parts of the camels that help them survive and we wrote some notes about it.

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