
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

How is Chinese New Year Celebrated?

How is Chinese New Year Celebrated?
As you may or may not know Chinese New Year is one of the most celebrated celebrations in the world. The New Year lasts for 15 days and on the final day they have a Lantern festival. Did you know that one sixth of the world celebrate the Chinese New Year? Despite the fact that Chinese New Year is full of joy and happiness, there was a scary background to it!

A long time ago there was a monster named Nian. Who would come to villages and scare everyone.  But soon the people found out a way get rid of the monster once and for all with the help of a wise man. They found out the monster was scared of the colour red, loud noises and fire. After they got rid of the monster they turned it into a celebration that we know today to continue to keep the bad spirits away. Are you aware that each new year is represented by a different animal after the new moon rises?

The animals that represent the years are the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the goat, the monkey and the rooster. This year is the year of the dog, and its element is earth. People born this year are likely to be loyal and honest.

Families around the world gather together from all around the world and eat delicious foods such as noodles, shrimp, egg rolls and etc. Each of these foods represents something. Noodles represent a long living life (if you don’t cut them), shrimp represents happiness and egg rolls represent wealth for the upcoming year. After fifteen days they have a lantern festival and parade to keep the bad spirits away. This all links back to the colour red, the fire and the loud noises that scared Nian away all those years ago.

Chinese New Year is a special celebration of tradition that is full of love and happiness.

Today Fraidoon and I wrote an explanation about the Chinese New Year. To help our explanation we use TIIC it means Title, introduction, information, conclusion and we used simple, compound, complex, AAAWWBBIS to make our explanation better and making sure it make sense.  I learnt that in China some food represents something like shrimp represents happiness

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