
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Kiwi Sport

This term for Kiwi Sport we doing Boxing with Pax Patel. This was our first session of doing boxing. We first warmed up and we did an activity and it was about touching your partners shoulder or knee. If you get touched you will need to do a burpee. Today we learnt two types of moves which is jab and cross and our first combo was Jap - cross. We learnt that we can protect our face with gloves.


Image result for kahoot logo
For Writing Sanujan, Miki and I worked together as a group to make a kahoot about writing an explanation. We made 12 different types of question. It was a bit hard to make question because there was 12 questions and we tried to come up with a tricky questions. We ended completing the kahoot and presented it, to the class. We had fun doing this activity.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Tech - Reflection

Today for tech we carried on doing our work from last week. Mr Pineda is away for today and Our group is creating donation boxes and designing it. We each have our donation boxes and it is made out of paper. The topic that I was doing was protect sea life. I have almost complete the drawing and i'm up to coloring it. Some people have completed the task, It was fun doing tech.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Informal To Formal

Today for reading our group turned informal words into formals words. This DLO explains on what I did to change the informal language into formal. The sentence on top is the formal language and below it, it is formal. For example - formal language is used when talking a teacher, boss and writing a letter. Informal language is when you are talking to you friends. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Narrative Poem

For reading our group have made a DLO about Pam Ayres. She is a comedian, English poet, comedian, songwriter and presenter of radio and television program. I wrote 3 facts about Pam Ayres and my favorite joke about the narrative poem she made.


This term for Inquiry we were learning about Peace. The reasons behind it is simple. We were learning about this to as an commemoration all the soldier that fought in the World War 1 and 2. Did you know that it has been 100 years since World War 1 ended. I learnt that peace symbols were designed in 1958 by the British artist and designer Gerald Holtom. We think peace is important words to have because 'Peace is when there is freedom from war, argument and live together without violence. Also respect values and get a long together with each other'. For this activity I worked with Miki and Aung Naing

Kiwi Can - Reflection

For kiwi can we were talking about respect for our school. Our rules are - not bringing phone at school, don't talk while the teachers are talking, pay attention on what your doing and don't leave school grounds during school time. We have rules to our school, so we can be protected and a safer school.  Should we drink fizzy drink at school? No, because it is the rules and it can make yourself safe. Should we have rules at school? Yes, because it can make people follow rules and be good students. Our care values are - Confident, attitude, respect and excellent and innovation.  

Tech - Charity Box Planing

For tech our activity was about writing a plan about our Charity box. We answered some questions about shapes and we planned the slogan, color, shape. The color that I chose was blue, white, yellow.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

New Zealand Shake Out

Today it was the Shake Out day. Our group have collaborated to complete this task. This DLO shows you things that cause earthquakes and explains how to Drop - Cover - Hold. We have wrote about things that happen on Christchurch and Napier.. We visited this site called This site is tells us to practice, Drop - Cover - Hold and drills. What I have learnt is, there was 185 people died during the Christchurch earthquake and Napier was the deadliest earthquakes that has killed 256 people.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

How have camels adapted to their environment

How have camels adapted to their environment

Are you aware that camels can survive for a long time without water? In the
desert it is 42° which is extremely hot. Physical changes have helped camels
survive in the desert as they have adapted to their environment.

In the desert it is very hot and dry. A strong wind of sand can make you blind,
it is called a sandstorm. Camels have hair inside and outside of their ear to prevent
sand getting in the ear. They grow 2 sets of eyelashes and have nostrils that close
to protect them from these conditions.

The sand is really hot during the day so camels have adapted to their environment
by having thick pads on their feet to walk on hot sand and a thick pad on their
chest to lay down. Camels have webbed feet so they won’t sink in the sand.

Water is very rare in the desert. Camels get water from the cactus plant which
is why they have thick lips as this helps them to avoid sharp thorns that get
in their way. Food and water is not easy to find in desert conditions so camels
have a hump that stores fat. This fat is later used for energy and hydration
when the camel is tired and thirsty.

A desert is a hard place to survive in so over time camels have adapted to this

This week for writing our group have been writing an explanation about Camels and how they adapted to their environment. We have also been looking on how physical changes have helped the camel survive in the desert. Our group watched a video showing parts of the camels that help them survive and we wrote some notes about it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Basic Facts - Challenge

Today for math, I have practiced my up to 20 addition and subtraction, basic facts. I have done well on practicing my basic facts. I'm looking forward on doing on, up to 100 basic facts challenge. I have enjoyed doing this activity.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Today for reading we learning about informal words and formal words. Our task was to delete the informal words on the first letter to Mr Johnston, then delete the formal words on second letter to James letters. You can use formal letters by writing a greeting card, email a work mate or your boss, parents and grandparents. I understand that informal letters is use to message friends and family and glossary list.  The top example is a formal letter because it uses ' I am writing to complain', 'condition of the playground' and 'a great deal of litter' and the bottom example is an informal letter because it says 'How are you', 'dead busy' and 'to get ready'.